A LIFESTYLE CREATED BY SOM STUDIOS // 50 days to rule life.
This project was created to challenge your individual body & mind. For 50 days straight you have to consistently pursue a healthy routine following 7 specific rules.
The overall goal: Taking your life into your own hands by establishing a fundamental routine with habits that will stick with you even after completing the challenge.
<aside> 💡 Pro tip - Prepare before the challenge
<aside> 💡 Database of Resources
EVERYTABLE Promo Code: 6EDN0XXP Anyone who uses the link or code gets $40 off their first box of chef-prepared meals. (min order of $65+)
Overview of all rules - make sure to read through the detailed version as well
Wake up before 8 A.M. ⌚️ | (but sleep 6+ hours) |
Do your morning routine: 1h no distractions ☕️ | (e.g. meditate for 10min OR go for a walk for 10min) |
Exercise for 1h a day 💪🏼 | (can also consist jogging, stretching...) |
Read 10 pages a day 📙 | (motivational, psychological and business books) |
Dedicate 1h towards a new skill or work towards a goal 🧠 | (no distractions! high concentration!) |
Follow a healthy diet and drink only water 🍏 | (no alcohol, no soft drinks and generally less sugar) |
Track your daily progress in a journal 🖋 | (write down good and bad things, what you've learned and where you can improve) |
(what you want to achieve until the end of the challenge)
<aside> 🗻 My 50 Day Goal: e.g. Understand the basics of Final Cut Pro and be able to flawlessly cut videos. e.g. Finish the website for my creative portfolio. e.g. Lose 10kg
<aside> 🗒️ Tracking Tips
<aside> 🫂 Community Engagement
10-Day Review
You can use this task list for daily TO-DOs
Use this table + calendar feature to track your daily progress.